Cultural Competency and Diversity Training

We are the most diverse nation on the planet.  Our major cities are a rich vibrant, mix of culture, language, custom and tradition. You don’t have to traverse New York’s five boroughs or Los Angeles’ freeways to find enclaves from every nation on earth.  Even the far flung rural parts of the country have experienced an enormous multiplication of diversity.  Navigating this multi-cultural society takes empathy, self-reflection, honestly and a willingness to broaden one’s own experiences.  Cultural incompetency creates unnecessary conflict and tension.  It is now incumbent upon all people living in the US, both the new arrivals and the people whose families have been here for generations, to become conversant in cultural competency, and understand and live in a diverse school, workplace, or community.  Does this mean one has to be expert on every one of the world’s cultures? No, but it does mean if work with a predominantly Asian/Pacific Islander or LGBTQ client base you should understand its customs, traditions and behaviors.  O’Grady Solutions runs workshops and seminars that will help you understand the importance of cultural competency and diversity and gain the particular competencies you need.


Learn the components of cultural competency and diversity training, and gain competency through real world role plays and exercise. Cultural competency training asks you to be honest about your own beliefs and prejudices.  O’Grady Solutions creates a safe environment that creates the space for you and your staff to engage in honest reflection.  Diversity training, helps us recognize our commonalities; it builds empathy. Much of the day is spent in real world situations participants may encounter as they work with clients and colleagues.


Our trainers will take you through a shorter version of our workshops. In more of a classroom setting, we will cover the primary components of cultural competency and diversity training. We will discuss what cultural competency is, what it isn’t, and help identify the pieces of cultural competency and diversity with which you must have some fluency.  These trainings will help you and your colleagues transform how people see people.

Conflict Resolution

There are times when the only thing standing between your business or school or workplace is a discrete conflict mediation. Our consultants have a strong track record of serving in a third-party role to mediate and resolve conflicts. It is our belief that effective mediation paired with any necessary post-mediation trainings results in greater long-term success for all parties involved

We’ve developed personalized and specific strategies to help schools, corporations and other workplace environments to achieve these goals, including:
Working with all parties involved to establish a common language and minimize micro-aggression and triggers. Helping articulate the concerns, demands, and underlying emotional response of all parties involved. Developing post-mediation trainings as needed to improve channels of communication to resolve issues moving forward, and to create circumstances under which these issues are never repeated.
We will work with you to enhance interpersonal communication and leadership coaching to prevent future misunderstandings.